The Bush Fam

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


As many of you know from reading my facebook posts, this has been a trying time for the Bush family. My niece Cassie was in the hospital after they found tumors on her back. The doctor was 99% sure it was Neuroblastoma which is a very aggressive awful form of cancer.

There were literally thousands of people praying for Cassie and her parents, Mark and Brandi. I knew that God could perform a miracle and that Cassie could be okay. I knew it in my head but almost couldn't believe it in my heart.

My faith in God never wavered during the ordeal, but I almost didn't give Him enough credit. He made the universe. He can do ANYTHING. And He did. He performed a miracle for our Cassie. The tumors ended up being Lypoblastoma which is a benign fatty tissue tumor. She is okay.

I need to remember that God is God. He is the Great Physician. He is AMAZING!!! I am so thankful that He showed His power and Cassie will be just fine. Who says we don't see miracles anymore??

Friday, August 5, 2011

God's Perfect Plan

I was pretty sure I knew what my life was going to look like a year from now. I, of course, was wrong.

I thought we were done having kids. I have two beautiful kids, and didn't feel like my family was incomplete. I have been sick with fibromyalgia and gluten issues. It just didn't seem like another kid was in the cards for us. At least not one that I carried and delivered.

God had another plan. A perfect plan. I was completely shocked to find out that I was pregnant again. It was a good surprise, but a surprise none the less!

I had often thought that we might have made a bad choice in purchasing our 4 bedroom house years ago. Maybe we should have opted for a smaller house with a smaller payment. Now I know why we bought this house. Baby Bush #3 now has a room waiting for him/her.

I had been working as the Preschool Minister at our church the last year and a half. I loved it, but didn't feel like God wanted me to do it full time. Now I know why God didn't want that for me. The new Preschool Minister started 2 days after I found out I was pregnant. Now I can continue to work in the preschool area, but have less stresses in my life!

My in-laws traded cars with us in June. Their car had a thrid row seat that we thought would come in handy when going to dinner with our parents so we could just take one car. Now we know that the reason was so that we will have room for the new baby's car seat!

As this pregnancy continues, I am seeing more and more that this was in God's plan all along. I was just unaware of it.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." - James 1:17 I

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." - Ephesians 3:20-21

He has done more that I ever could have imagined in my life. I am so thankful for His perfect plan!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Family

I will start with my sweet baby girl, Cameron Hope. She is a character. She makes crazy faces all the time. She sings and tells funny stories while she is going to the bathroom. She is beautiful with her big blue eyes and her cute curly hair. She will randomly come up and say "I love you mommy" for no particular reason. She likes to snuggle on the couch with me. I hope to one day have the friend relationship with her that I have now with my mom. I love that silly girl!!!

Mason Christopher is a sweet boy. He is a nut though and enjoys entertaining people with stuff that usually doesn't make sense. He has the cutest little laugh and he laughs a lot. He is a cutie too with his beautiful eyes and smile. He is very loving (not always to his sister, but he is 6 year old boy). He is very smart. He can memorize scripture so much better than I can. He is such a joy to be around. I am so sad that he will be starting Kindergarten in a month. I can't believe he is old enough to start school. I just love that little boy!

Matthew is an amazing husband and father. I love seeing him with our kids. I knew he would be good with kids when I had only been dating him for a month. I was watching a little 2 year old over the summer and he came to visit. The little girl fell asleep on him and I just knew he would be a great daddy someday. He is supportive and understanding. I am always right and I know that is hard for him, but he deals with it pretty good. He is a hard worker and provider for our family. I am so thankful that it didn't work out when I tried to set him up with my friend in college. He is my best friend and I love him more everyday.

I am fully aware that this is sappy, but I am so aware lately of how blessed I am to be married to a godly man, and have two healthy beautiful children. I know that all good gift are from God above. And my family is one amazingly good gift!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Dad!

Let me tell you a little something about my dad. First of all I am blessed to have him as my dad. I understand more clearly the love my Heavenly Father has for me based on the love my earthly father has shown me.

My dad is such a sweet man. He is funny or "punny" as our family calls him. He always has these really bad puns. And you know he is about to say one because he gets this little grin! He is kind. He is supportive. Even when I wanted my belly button pierced. He supported that decision (even if he didn't understand it) Yes I had a belly piercing. It was in college. Lay off me.

My dad coached my soccer and softball teams growing up. He is still facebook friends with several of the girls that were on our team. Everyone loves him! He loves sports and sometimes yells at the TV when they are on. My dad was always there for me and my brother and sister. He worked full time and often had to travel out of state for work. We joked that he had another family in California because he was there so much. Even so, he made it to our recitals, concerts, games. . .pretty much everything! He actually brought me on one of those Cali trips when I was in high school. I still remember that trip. I felt so important to be able to go on a trip - just me and my dad!

My dad is loving. He set the bar high for how a godly husband and father should act. He is just an amazing man. I love you so much Dennis Lee Wycoff!!!!! Happy Father's Day early!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Mom

I am so blessed to have a godly mother who loves me unconditionally. I was so excited to have a baby girl. Not for the reasons most women want to have girls. I am not what you would call girlie! I don't like the color pink or any pastel colors really. I don't do hair. Mine or anyone elses. I hardly wear dresses and I only like to shop when I have a particular thing I am looking for. And if I don't find it, than the day of shopping is worthless!

I wanted to have a girl because I wanted the relationship that I have with my mom with a daughter. I have always been close to my mom. I don't remember having a time in my teenage years where I was a teenage girl and was awful to my mom. She might remember it differently. Either way, we made it through the crazy teenage years. I consider my mom one of my closest friends. I can call her about anything and she is the one who calms me down. Like when my son falls off the bed when he was 8 months old and I felt like a terrible mom. She informed me that we fell off stuff all the time and turned out fine.

My mom (and dad - but we will have a post dedicated to him when we get close to Father's Day) raised me in a Christian household. We went to church every Sunday unless we were throwing up. At the time, I might have been put out by this. But when I went off to college I continued to get up on Sunday mornings and go to church. Because that is what my mom taught me was important. She taught Sunday school and helped with the youth group. She was a wonderful example a godly wife and mother.

She was supportive and drove me to soccer and softball practices all the time. She let me be who I was and did not force me to be a dancer or cheerleader. (not that there is anything wrong with dancers or cheerleaders- I was just more of a tomboy)

I love my mom and am very thankful that God blessed me with such an amazing lady to be my mom! I hope to be half the mom she is when I grow up. Love you Marsha Jean Wycoff. Happy Mother's Day early.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Spider!

So last night I am putting Rylee in her kennel and I see a huge spider. I go and tell Matt, because that is what husbands are for - to kill bugs! He tells me that he wants me to do it. Just so he knows that I can do it if he were not home. But he was home, so I told him to do it. He insisted so I picked up the shovel to smoosh it. . .

I smacked it pretty hard. Did it die? No. Did 100 mini baby spiders shoot out? Yes! So now we have one not dead huge spider and 100 baby spiders running around. Great!!

Matt ended up coming out to help kill the mom and the babies. He informed me that I was like a spider midwife and just helped her give birth. He said that if I had given it the death blow like I should have that I would have killed the mom and the babies. I informed him that he can kill ALL spiders from now on!

The End!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Paci Fairy Came!

The paci fairy came to visit Cameron last week. We have been talking to her about getting rid of her pacis for a while now. She was not too excited about it. With Mason we were transitioning him into a big boy bed so we told him that big boys don't use pacis. As much as he loved his paci, he agreed to give it up. It went MUCH easier than I thought it would!

Since Cam is still in her crib, I needed another way to get her to want to give up her paci. Matt's brother used the paci fairy on my neice, Cassie. The paci fairy leaves you a gift and takes your paci to a baby that needs it. So we asked Cam what she wanted the paci fairy to bring her. She said a baby doll. Not surprising. She LOVES babies. Almost as much as she loves pacis!!!! You can see in the pic that Cam would use them two at a time.

So, last Thursday we went to Target and had Cam pick out which doll she wanted. I secretly put it in the cart and got it in the house without either kid seeing. When Cam went down for her nap, she put the paci in the middle of the floor. While she was sleeping, I took the doll and put it where the paci was on the floor.

So far she has done super. The first night it took her forever to go to sleep and she woke up several times. Since then she has been a trooper! Thank you paci fairy for the baby!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Parents!

I have some amazing parents. I always knew they were fab, but now that I am a parent, I am even more aware of their excellence. My parents are still married to eachother. That is a blessing and not the norm. I have lots of friends who have to celebrate holidays and birthdays with up to 4 sets of parents.
I am also blessed with in-laws that are still married to eachother and are godly examples for me! My kids are so blessed to have a wonderful Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa! (or grandpa and grandpa as Cam says!)

I ALWAYS felt loved. I am doing a Bible study right now called Captivating. One chapter was about the hurts that parents placed in your life. I had nothing to share. (Well I did share that my parents did a good job) After listening to several women tell heartbreaking stories of divorce and parents that did not love them, I felt even more blessed by the parents God gave me.

My parents are hard workers. My mom worked and kept the house clean and the kids fed. My dad worked a bunch, but was always there for soccer games and important events.

My parents supported me in all that I did. Whether it was soccer or softball, my parents were always there to cheer me on. I am so excited to be able to cheer on my kids now!!

My parents raised me to know Jesus. We were expected to go to church EVERY Sunday. The only exceptions were fever or throwing up! This is the most important thing my parents for me. They modeled what a godly woman and man looked like. They modeled what a godly marriage looked like. They paid for me to go on mission trips and choir tours that furthered my walk with Christ.

My mother is one of the strongest women I know. She is selfless and loving. My father is one of the most gentle men I know. He is supportive and loving. Dennis and Marsha Wycoff - I am so blessed to have you as my parents. I love you!

Weekend with the Fam

My parents got Matt 2 tickets to a Rockets game for his birthday. He took Mason to his first NBA game on Friday night. Mason was super excited!! And the Rockets beat the Celtics! Cam and I hung out with my parents in Kingwood. Saturday my sister and her fam came over to celebrate Matt and Eli's birthdays. I hadn't seen my fam since Christmas so it was nice to hang out with them.

The pictures are of my mom reading a book to Cam, Rosalie and Lucy. Mason with his Rockets Basketball. Matt and Mason at the game. Eli blowing out the candles. And me and Matt at my parents house. It was a really good weekend!!

Mason was on the news!

A news crew followed Mason and his team (The Maroon Tops) around during their first t-ball game. They just aired the footage on Sunday. They got good footage of Mason in the field (throwing dirt), running home, eating a snow cone and saying "So Long!" He is such a cutie!!

Here is the link to the footage:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Great Day Ended in The ER!

Yesterday started off so great. I had Bible study (which always makes a day better). Worked a little bit at church and then picked up Mason from school. We hung around the house and I did laundry and dishes . . . the usual. Mason had his second t-ball game last night. It was great. He played good and it was nice weather to watch the game. Then we headed to our friends house for dinner. We hadn't hung out with the Tremes in ages. Our kids love eachother and have so much fun playing together and I love hanging out with Tim and Crystal! Matt's parents were there too. It was a really fun night.

Then a huge crash. A toy shopping cart flew down the stairs. As I got to the stairs, Cameron came tumbling down. Probably the worst thing I have ever seen and I keep seeing it over and over again in my mind. Immediately she had a HUGE bump on the back of her head. We took her to the ER. Thankfully Matt's parents were there and they took Mason home with them for the night.

Cameron was acting pretty normal which helped me to not completely freak out and have a melt down in the ER. The doctor checked her out and said we could take her home and check her every hour during the night and then take her to our pediatrician today. We have an appointment in an hour.

Having a child fall down the stairs is one of my greatest fears. It is why we don't have stairs in our home. I am usually kind of crazy checking on my kids when there are stairs around. I felt like the world's worst mom for not being more dilligent in checking on my babies. The picture above is of Cameron from Sunday. God is GOOD and it seems like Cameron is going to be just fine. Just a reminder that we need to cherish the time we have with our loved ones!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My babies are getting so BIG!

Matt loaded some of his old pics from his phone onto the computer the other day. I found old ones of Mason and Cameron that made me a little sad. Mason will start Kindergarten next year and Cameron will start preschool. It seems unreal that my babies are that old!! I am so thankful that God has blessed me with them. I pray that I can be a godly influence in their lives and I pray for the day when they accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Just love them so much!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mason's First T-ball Game

Today Mason had his first t-ball game. He is on the Maroon Tops. He is loving t-ball. He has several friends from church and school on his team. I even have some moms that I am friends with which is nice. Mason hit the ball great and ran the bases like a pro! Sadly, Matt missed his first game. He is on his way back from Colorado right now!! Can't wait to see him! Can't wait for the rest of the season. I was made to be a soccer/t-ball/any sport mom!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

So this is my first blog. Since Matt is out of town and I gave up TV for lent, this is what I decided to do with my time. I am excited to be able to share what is going on in the life of the Bush Fam! As I mentioned, Matt is out of town. He is in Colorado for work. Been gone since Sunday and won't be back until Saturday afternoon. Thankfully the fam is healthy this week since I am flying solo. Also, not a good time to give up TV. With Matt being gone, after I put the kids to bed it is very quiet in the house. Oh well. I am excited to see what all I will be able to accomplish with my non-TV watching time! So far so good. I started a blog!