The Bush Fam

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Paci Fairy Came!

The paci fairy came to visit Cameron last week. We have been talking to her about getting rid of her pacis for a while now. She was not too excited about it. With Mason we were transitioning him into a big boy bed so we told him that big boys don't use pacis. As much as he loved his paci, he agreed to give it up. It went MUCH easier than I thought it would!

Since Cam is still in her crib, I needed another way to get her to want to give up her paci. Matt's brother used the paci fairy on my neice, Cassie. The paci fairy leaves you a gift and takes your paci to a baby that needs it. So we asked Cam what she wanted the paci fairy to bring her. She said a baby doll. Not surprising. She LOVES babies. Almost as much as she loves pacis!!!! You can see in the pic that Cam would use them two at a time.

So, last Thursday we went to Target and had Cam pick out which doll she wanted. I secretly put it in the cart and got it in the house without either kid seeing. When Cam went down for her nap, she put the paci in the middle of the floor. While she was sleeping, I took the doll and put it where the paci was on the floor.

So far she has done super. The first night it took her forever to go to sleep and she woke up several times. Since then she has been a trooper! Thank you paci fairy for the baby!!!


  1. Oh, Angela!! That gives me hope for Sophie. She is crazy for her paci. I will definitely keep that in mind.

  2. Way to go Cam!! That's a cute idea! I've heard of the paci fairy, but I didn't know she left presents!!

  3. "As a kid, I would take [pacis] 2 at a time and get 'em lodged right here..." -- Thomas Callahan III
